Wests Tigers have today launched the club’s first Reconciliation Action Plan.
The Wests Tigers Reconciliation Action Plan demonstrates the club’s readiness to develop and test innovative approaches to reconciliation and champion it at every level of the organisation.
Wests Tigers CEO Justin Pascoe said that the club was proud to be launching its first Reconciliation Action Plan.
“In developing this Reconciliation Action Plan we’ve set out a number of new and innovative initiatives which not only formalises our commitment to Australia’s First Peoples but also allows us to continue to develop and expand our existing community programs,” said Pascoe. “There are more than 90 deliverables in this RAP and we are committed to putting them all in place and making a difference.
“Another element of this launch that I am proud of, is the fact that, once again, we are challenging ourselves to ensure that we uphold the privileged position that we are in,” he said. “We realise how lucky we are to have the power to change lives and communities and wish to use this to its fullest potential and this document is another example of us aiming to achieve our club’s Mission Statement of enriching the lives of our community.”
The Wests Tigers Reconciliation Action Plan includes three key pillars; relationships, respect and opportunities. Under these key pillars are more than 90 deliverables which will be put in place between now and the end of 2018.
More information on the launch of the Wests Tigers Reconciliation Action Plan can be found in the above video.
Click here to view the Wests Tigers Reconciliation Action Plan.